Friday, October 26, 2012

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Saturday, October 13, 2012
Fern had to break ice on the stock tank with her  nose this morning.
We saved the chrysanthemums by covering them with sheets. Unfortunately the sheet on the dahlias blew off so it froze. The sheet on the big mounded chrysanthemum on the millstone apparently looked like a hassock to Willie.When Abby arrived this morning she found him curled up on top of it mashing it down of course. I can tell you, he heard about it from Abby.

It did not warm up much today and is cold again tonight.

Martin came up by himself to do winterizing at camp, mostly getting in the docks. We fixed him a good dinner. I braised some shoulder cuts of lamb, Abby made a rice pilaf, I simmered mixed vegetables in ghee. My sister Barby in CA sent four giant quinces. I baked one in butter and date sugar and served it quartered with home made crème fraiche and raspberry sauce. I forgot to say, Martin brought two woodcocks and we had them as hors oeuvres sautéed  in butter with a little soy sauce. What a treat.

Abby is making plans to go to CA. She has a ticket for October 27.  She will be in GuahalaS near DD Marcia, her sister.

It is freezing again tonight.

Sunday, October 14, 2012
It rained last night instead of freezing.  Fern did not come in when I called her for milking. Even the sheep, who always come bounding, ignored  me. After three trips to the barn and a lot of hollering I came in and read the paper. When Fern finally showed up at 9:30 she was all pissy, like it was my fault that milking was late. Then during milking she kicked off the machine. I wonder if this is a sign of pregnancy.
            It rained or drizzled all day and feels Novembery. DS Martin worked on getting his dock in, also Marcia’s.  DD Abby is hurrying to stain the deck on Sally’s little house before she leaves for California for the winter.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012
We think a hawk is taking chickens. I did see a hawk on the fence one day and there are piles of feathers on the lawn where the chickens free range.

After a warm two days it is getting chilly again and there is a cold wind.
Abby is packing boxes.
Yesterday I made a big pot of soup with lots of vegetables. Last night I made whole wheat muffins to eat with it and tonight Abby made sour cream biscuits.

There is still plenty of grazing.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012
A perfect bright October day. I got outside for awhile. Most of the leaves have fallen so the colors are subdued. I strolled around the garden and attempted to walk along a little path that leads through the lilac hedge to a view of the pasture. This spring Max felled a big black locust tree that was taking over the space and DD Sally and helper Nancy carried away all the wood from the area. I had not visited the spot for over two months. It has become nearly impassable. It has become a thicket of locust saplings, thorny little things they are, many higher than my head. Amazing growth. Nothing but a goat could eat them.
            I went around behind the barn and filled a bucket with some of my AA++ composted manure. This is for renewing the soil in my houseplants.
            We expected DS Martin for supper but he took a detour up to Presque Isle to buy a duck hunting gun and will be very late if he makes it at all. Abby made some mighty good lamb meatballs in a paprika sauce and roasted root vegetables. I am waiting up.

Thursday, October 18, 2012
Martin arrived at 11:15 bringing several sample bags of potatoes from Presque Isle.

The weather today was again fine, very fine.
Martin and his friend John Robinson hunted with Milo up near Tumbledown. They talked with the forester about where to hunt and got five partridge, two woodcocks and a rabbit. Martin is getting to be a lot better shot but John is an expert marksman. He was formerly a guide in Africa. He is a writer with a day job in real estate.

I joined them for dinner. I had already marinated steaks for them yesterday not knowing there would be game. So we had steaks and several types of game deliciously grilled by John. I brought along baked potatoes and coleslaw from one of my own cabbages. Abby sent along some of her popular Snickerdoodle cookies. She did not come along because of packing for CA

I got seven eggs today which is the new average.

Friday, October 19, 2012
It’s been another mild drizzley day.
Fern came in nicely and wasa perfectly behaved despite my having inadvertently left open the orth gate, the gatet that prevents her going to the bottom of the peroperty.

Abby and I went to Farmington on errands. At the last minute we decided to take Abby’s car and I forgot to move my utility wagon tires into it. I deeded at least one to take to Tractor Supply to order replacements. Darn.Now somebody will have to make an extra trip. We got everything else on the list though. First we stopped and saw Mitra at the farmer’s market and bought lots of stuff. I also bought cider and 30 lbs of Northern Spy apples from the corner vender. Mitra pointed out that Abby had a very soft tire so we stopped for air. A nice elderly man put the air in for us. We next went to White Water Farm supply for grain and local pork products. On the way home we stopped at Mt. Blue Garage in Weld and Abby made arrangements to bring the car in on Monday to repair the tire. It is a new one they put on recently.

I am cooking Martin’s rabbit and he is late for dinner.

Later: It was good that the rabbit had extra time to cook. I made what was really a fricassee with creamy gravy.Abby made mashed potatoes and a fine salad with things from the farmer’s market. It was all tasty. Martin was very pleased with the way the rabbit turned out. We are all looking forward to the next rabbit.

Before leaving, Martin set the Havahart trap with the remains of a woodcock. I lost another hen last  night.

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