Sunday, October 13, 2013

Monday Oct 7

Monday,  Oct 7
We've had three more days of warm weather though today it did rain but it was warm rain.  I got the most beautiful basket of vegetables up from the garden- ruby red chard and Sungold tomatoes on top of it.  Marcia found a variety of corn that we forgot was there, it had large deep-red ears, very shiny kernels.  It was up in the paddock garden with the other corn.  We have a promising lot of beautiful cabbages coming, I must get at them with some slug dope though- we use 'Sluggo'. 
   Yesterday a neighbor brought a thing I least need; another rooster.  This one is a small breed called an Egyptian Fameuse, I think it was called.  Today I gave her two large roosters.
   Martin was at the Portland airport and found that the Downeast Magazine store front window had my picture from their Downeast article about me titled Cow Girl enlarged to poster size.
  My new computer is now set up though I'm not using it yet.  I think the boys will be putting it in my office. I have Mark to thank for this.
   Sally gave three of her favorite tiny hens to a friend on the other side of town.  When he let them out (after a few days) one of them took off for home.  Sally is very sad about it- it's a distance of about twenty miles and so there's no hope for her, poor little thing.
Wednesday, Oct 9th
  The new rooster escaped from his new quarters and has made himself at home with the hens in the hen room. This morning a hen, terribly pleased with herself, came out with five baby chicks. I don't know where she had been hiding. 
Fern comes up for her snack every evening now for her little bit of grain and a few apples.  I haven't started her on her special pre calving supplement yet. I'll start it on the 19th.
I was running out of milk again so Marcia and I made a plan to go to Farmington.  When she came to get me, though, the car was having trouble.  First it lost power going up a hill and it put out a great puff of smoke and when she got here she found steam coming out from under the hood.  We decided to take the truck instead.  It was a beautiful day with perfect fall weather.  We went to Mitra's and had lunch and picked up our milk. She gave us some beautiful bell peppers and pears. 
Mitra said that Roshan is trying out for the Maine Youth Orchestra and is playing a Bach partita.  I am so proud of her. We all are.
Then we went to Whitewater and got more feed  and did various other chores.
It frosted last night, not too hard, but enough to ruin my dahlias had I not put sheets over them.  Yesterday I brought up another large basket of tomatoes but I haven't had time yet to go check frost damage.
Mark and Hailey are signed up to join us in Atlanta.
Read it on the website with Mitra's fine edits: