Monday, June 18, 2012

June 10-17 2012

June 10, 2012 Sunday
Last night I had a lovely dinner at the lake with Martin. He is up this weekend by himself in order to get the lime spreading done and get their dock out. He grilled a small roast of CF lamb. It was excellent. I brought a cucumber salad and we ate down on the dock. The weather was perfect.
Today Martin got the lime spread and some left over. He says that he did not see where he disturbed any nesting birds but there are many butterflies. He was on the field early. I fixed him a late breakfast of crepes with strawberries. Then he joined his friend Brett in Weld and the kayaked down the Webb River. It is quite high but not like it was a few days ago. There are significant rapids. They paddled about seven miles and got out of the water here at CF. I defrosted beans for his supper.
The ram lamb is now named Jacob and the ewe lamb is officially Beatrice. No further lambs yet. Susie spends a lot of time staring at the wall and Agnes stays in with her so I have to give them hay. Linda and Jacob went out together to graze yesterday and today, a pretty sight.
Usually in the morning the sheep are quiet and sleepy but this morning all three ewes were much disturbed. This was because Beatrice had got herself trapped under the stanchion and could not back out. She was wedged in tight. I had to pull hard on her back legs to dislodge her. After wobbling about a bit she went over and had a long drink from the water bucket. I was surprised by this. I saw her do it twice. She does nurse.
I got my pole beans planted and also planted out two pots of sweet potatoes DD Sally had started early. I have never before attempted sweet potatoes and don’t know what I am doing.
I am going to bed early if I can as I have a sore throat.
June 11, 2012 Monday
This morning I woke up with nasty laryngitis. It makes me so mad to be sick. I think it is a couple of years since I have had any illness. I get very little therapeutic milk fresh from the cow now as Fern stops letting down when she thinks she is done. I am lucky to wring a quarter cup out of her. And this morning she ran outside before I could kiss her on the nose.
Granddaughter Helena and her family arrived today for a few days visit. They have three restaurants in Carlyle PA. Two have managers or partners that can get along without them for a few day but Helena had to close her popular creperie while she is away.
The sheep are still resisting going out to graze. Today I shut them outside for a while but I did not see them graze, the silly creatures. Tomorrow if I feel better I will walk out with them.
June 12, 2012 Tuesday
The weather was very fine but unfortunately I spent it mopping my nose.
First thing this morning Helena made a batch of her excellent honey scones.
They took a day trip to LLBean, leaving the kids with her dad. Helena came home in a cute new dress purchased for 2/3 off. Now they have all gone to meet Mitra at a restaurant in Farmington.
The sheep are stubborn as ever about going out. I am down to my last bale of gourmet hay. I was unable to lead them out to pasture with grain because the cows were interfering.
June 13, 2012 Wednesday
A nice surprise this morning. Susie, the Sussex ewe, had twins. There they were standing up and dry. I do hope they are both sucking ok. One is a male and the other a female. She seems to prefer the ram.
Linda, the small white ewe, is willing to go out and graze now. Her lamb, Jacob, actually led the way when I opened the door.
June 14, 2012 Thursday
My cold is completely gone. I don’t know where to give the credit, the vitamins C & D, the GSE, the cedar tea, Advil or immune support from Fern’s milk. Because she was not entirely cooperative, I did not get a full cup of presumably fortified milk until yesterday.
The lambs are constantly getting themselves wedged into small spaces and needing me to pull them out by the back legs while the moms stand there bleating. This evening when I went to close everybody in all the lambs were outside. Now I have to figure out how to get them back inside. I am hoping that by the time it gets darker they will come in by themselves, wagging their tails behind them. The twins are doing well.
Later: Agnes and Linda and their lambs came in but Susie and her day old twins had gone around into the beefer pen and were running every which way. I had to catch the lambs one at a time and carry them in. Back at the house people accused me of shortness of breath. Hah!
June 15, 2012 Friday
Fern gave 2 ¾ gallons, up a quart.
I had to say goodbye to the Twigg’s, Helena, Ryan, Natalie (6) and Logan (4). They were wonderful guests and I hope they had a good time on their brief Maine holiday. The kids are staying on for a few days with Grandpa Tim and Dalene.
Helena took pictures of the sheep and summer scenes around the farm.
Nancy planted the squash for me today.

Granddaughter Shireen is now staying here while working her summer job at Kawanhee Camp for Boys. She is on the kitchen crew.

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